Friday, March 4, 2011

KP 2 should or should not get money as intensive?

A problem that all university occurring nowadays with a long list of KP students. The list becoming long and long until some universities lower down their exam standard only to get the students to pass their degree. This affects the university standard. With money playing a part in student’s life it makes them harder to just pass a single paper. Giving money to KP students will boost their hope to pass the paper or the whole course. Let me explain how it works.

First, in Malaysia (the easiest place to explain) not all students have a rich background. With the high expenses and living cost here making some students to be stressed and forced to be in part time jobs. This to cover their daily expenses and living cost. It the way for making money from part time job students neglects their studies. The tiredness from work and with high work load makes them to start to give up with studies. When we analyze the source is the first reason money.

We should give them money to KP student with few condition and monitoring like , the part time jobs should not be continue, students must be punctuality, students progress must be monitoring by the lecture with their respective subject and students must not miss classes without any reason. This act like a safeguard not only for the management but also for the students.

Furthermore, the money management must be monitored by the finance department so the money is not use for wrong purposes. Here money plays a role where they can use their money for daily expenses and to buy few things that help them to be more productive in studies. So with that I totally agree with giving money as intensive for KP2 students.


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